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A key founding principle of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is service. The Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter is zealously dedicated to uplifting communities in the Richmond, VA area. Here are a few of our current chapter programs and initiatives:



APhiZ awards scholarships to deserving young ladies who exemplify the ideal of Finer Womanhood and reside within the City of Richmond, VA. Check out our Scholarship page for further details.  

March of Dimes - March for Babies Sponsor:

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has served as a national partner with the March of Dimes since 1972. The March of Dimes' mission is to work together through research and community initiatives for stronger, healthier babies. Of note, March of Dimes funding benefited the research breakthrough of the polio vaccine. APhiZ participates annually in the Richmond March for Babies walk, raising funds to benefit the March of Dimes. In 2012, the chapter was recognized as the Richmond March for Babies Top National Service Partner. 


Stork's Nest:

Stork’s Nest is a national cooperative project of the sorority and the March of Dimes Foundation. For more than forty years, Stork’s Nest aims to increase the number of women receiving early and regular prenatal care in an effort to prevent cases of low birth-weight, premature births and infant deaths. Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter opened a new site in 2021 in partnership with the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Richmond, Virginia. Check out our Stork's Nest page for further details and how you can support mothers to be. 

Social Action:

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. believes in "standing for the right" and addressing the issues of social justice in communities. In keeping with the sorority's Get Engaged social action program, APhiZ has organized voter registration canvassing efforts, participates in Virginia's Zeta Day at the Capitol, participates in the National Zeta Day on the Hill, and works collaboratively with local organizations, such as the NAACPVirginia Organizing, and Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities (RISC), on social justice initiatives. 


Youth Affiliates:

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. values all youth and its mission is to support the health, safety, and well-being of its youth affiliate organizations through community-wide education and involvement. APhiZ sponsors three youth auxiliary groups: the Archonette Club for girls ages 14 - 18, the Amicette Club for girls ages 9 - 13, and the Pearlette Club for ages 4 - 8. If you are interested in having your daughter(s) participate with one of our youth groups, or would like to recommend a girl for membership, please contact us. Email to find out how your young lady can participate. 


Zetas Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE):

APhiZ Chapter members participate actively in community service initiatives through Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.'s signature international service initiative, Z-HOPE. This program is designed to address the needs of women, men, youth, seniors, and international women of color through educational and personal development activities. 


We look forward to continued support of this and a number of other sorority programs. 

Find out more about Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.'s National Programs here

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